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Enyr Thomas


Getting more traffic is important to all of us but don't forget your conversions. I recently started using this service www.traffic2sales.net and I have had really good results, my sales have already increased 5-7%. And even better, I only pay for converted sales so no upfront costs. You should try it, you have nothing to loose. http://www.traffic2sales.net?ref=wcb

Dave Mc

Great Blog!
On the issue of tip 1, I don't think rte.ie is a great example. The content is cluttered, and the widespread use of pale colours doesn't create enough of a contrast between the different content areas. Check out www.bbc.co.uk - clear contrast, yet simple!


Ah, tis good to see Mahon still likes a good ramble! Come on you Spurs! (ha, ha!)


What's the story with the applet? Thought that went out years ago ;)


'nother good article Dave. When's the book coming out!


Like the article, very Jakob Nielsen views. Simplicity is key!

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