This is the first post on the new Clientwell blog. We'll be writing a weekly article, and will talk about issues that are relevant to online marketing. There are lots of definitions of (and names for) online marketing, but it basically boils down to:
1. Bringing visitors to your website
2. Converting these visitors to customers/clients/advocates/enquiries/repeat visitors/whatever
3. Connect with these people on an ongoing basis
The ways that you do this are:
1. Search engine marketing, Pay per click, online advertising, sponsorship, and so on
2. Website usability, tracking, measurement and good web design
3. Email marketing, mobile marketing, eCRM, loyalty programs, etc.
All online marketing should be focused on results and growing brand awareness. An integrated online marketing strategy is a crucial part of any organisation's marketing strategy.
Okay, now that's the lists and bullet points out of the way. Now let's talk about us.
Clientwell Online Marketing has been in business since 2002, and provides all of the above services, with a strong focus on return on investment and brand.
This blog will focus on the above issues, and how they are evolving on an almost daily basis, with an emphasis on Ireland, which is where we are based. Links to the best articles on these topics will be posted, and I hope that you can bring your own ideas to the table!
Well done on the Blog.
Very informative.
Keep it running.
Posted by: Ed | 11 February 2006 at 05:27 PM
I like it. keep the good content coming, and congrats on the DMA shortlist!
Posted by: JP | 07 February 2006 at 03:51 PM
It's good to see that we've got a blog with news that's relevant to the Irish internet industry.
Posted by: Niamh | 07 February 2006 at 03:50 PM
Good to see yer blog up and running mate, stick it to 'em!
Posted by: Ted | 03 February 2006 at 04:22 PM